Social Media Mining: An Introduction

(Axel Boer) #1

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CUUS2079-07 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 17:17

188 Information Diffusion in Social Media

Algorithm 7.1Independent Cascade Model (ICM)
Require: Diffusion graphG(V,E), set of initial activated nodesA 0 , acti-
vation probabilitiespv,w
1: return Final set of activated nodesA∞
2: i=0;
3: whileAi ={}do
5: i=i+1;
6: Ai={};
7: for allv∈Ai− 1 do
8: for allwneighbor ofv,w /∈∪ij= 0 Ajdo
9: rand=generate a random number in [0,1];
10: ifrand<pv,wthen
11: activatew;
12: Ai=Ai∪{w};
13: end if
14: end for
15: end for
16: end while
17: A∞=∪ij= 0 Aj;
18: ReturnA∞;

undirected, for any two vertices connected via an edge, there is an equal
chance of one activating the other. Consider the network in step 1. The
values on the edges denote pv,w’s. The ICM procedure starts with a set of
nodes activated. In our case, it is nodev 1. Each activated node gets one
chance of activating its neighbors. The activated node generates a random
number for each neighbor. If the random number is less than the respective
pv,wof the neighbor (see Algorithm7.1, lines 9–11), the neighbor gets acti-
vated. The random numbers generated are shown in Figure7.4in the form
of inequalities, where the left-hand side is the random number generated
and the right-hand side is the pv,w. As depicted, by following the procedure
after five steps, five nodes get activated and the ICM procedure converges.

Clearly, the ICM characterizes an information diffusion process.^2 It
is sender-centered, and once a node is activated, it aims to activate all its
neighboring nodes. Node activation in ICM is a probabilistic process. Thus,
we might get different results for different runs.
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