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CUUS2079-07 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 17:17
7.2 Information Cascades 191
Algorithm 7.2Maximizing the spread of cascades – Greedy algorithm
Require:Diffusion graphG(V,E), budgetk
1: return Seed setS(set of initially activated nodes)
2: i=0;
3: S={};
4: whilei =kdo
5: v=arg maxv∈V\Sf(S∪{v});
or equivalentlyarg maxv∈V\Sf(S∪{v})−f(s)
6: S=S∪{v};
7: i=i+1;
8: end while
9: ReturnS;
Theorem 7.1.Kempe et al. [2003] Let f be a (1) non-negative, (2) mono-
tone, and (3) submodular set function. Construct k-element set S, each time
by adding nodev, such that f(S∪{v})(or equivalently, f(S∪{v})−f(s))
is maximized. Let SOptimalbe the k-element set such that f is maximized.
Then f(S)≥(1−^1 e)f(SOptimal).
This theorem states that by constructing the setSgreedily one can get at
least a (1− 1 /e)≈63% approximation of the optimal value. Algorithm7.2
details this greedy approach. The algorithm starts with an empty setSand
adds nodev 1 , which ultimately activates most other nodes if activated. For-
mally,v 1 is selected such thatf({v 1 }) is the maximum. The algorithm then
selects the second nodev 2 such thatf({v 1 ,v 2 }) is maximized. The process
is continued until thekthnodevkis selected. Following this algorithm,
we find an approximately reasonable solution for the problem of cascade
Example 7.3.For the following graph, assume that node i activates node
j when|i−j|≡2(mod3). Solve cascade maximization for k= 2.
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