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CUUS2079-07 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 17:17
7.3 Diffusion of Innovations 197
of the cumulative number of adopters at different timesA(t),
i(t)=α+α 0 A 0 +···+αtA(t)=α+
i=t 0
αiA(i), (7.17)
whereαi’s are the weights for each time step. Often a simplified version
of this linear combination is used. In particular, the following three models
for computingi(t) are considered in the literature:
i(t)=α, External-Influence Model (7.18)
i(t)=βA(t), Internal-Influence Model (7.19)
i(t)=α+βA(t), Mixed-Influence Model (7.20)
whereαis theexternal-influence factorandβ is theimitation factor. EXTERNAL
Equation7.18describesi(t) in terms ofαonly and is independent of
the current number of adoptersA(t); therefore, in this model, the adoption
only depends on the external influence. In the second model,i(t) depends
on the number of adopters at any time and is therefore dependent on the
internal factors of the diffusion process.βdefines how much the current
adopter population is going to affect the adoption and is therefore denoted
as theimitationfactor. The mixed-influence model is a model between the IMITATION
two that uses a linear combination of both previous models. FACTOR
External-Influence Model
In the external-influence model, the adoption coefficient only depends on
an external factor. One such example of external influence in social media
is when important news goes viral. Often, people who post or read the news
do not know each other; therefore, the importance of the news determines
whether it goes viral. The external-influence model can be formulated as
=α[P−A(t)]. (7.21)
By solving Equation7.21,
A(t)=P(1−e−αt), (7.22)
whenA(t=t 0 =0)=0. TheA(t) function is shown in Figure7.7. The
number of adopters increases exponentially and then saturates nearP.