Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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236 Influence and Homophily

the tolerance values for individuals. Second, when a network is given
and the source of assortativity is unknown, we can estimate how much
of the observed assortativity can be attributed to homophily. To mea-
sure assortativity due to homophily, we can simulate homophily on the
given network by removing edges. The distance between the assortativity
measured on the simulated network and the given network explains how
much of the observed assortativity is due to homophily. The smaller this
distance, the higher the effect of homophily in generating the observed

8.4 Distinguishing Influence and Homophily
We are often interested in understanding which social force (influence or
homophily) resulted in an assortative network. To distinguish between an
influence-based assortativity or homophily-based one, statistical tests can be
used. In this section, we discuss three tests: the shuffle test, the edge-reversal
test, and the randomization test. The first two can detect whether influence
exists in a network or not, but are incapable of detecting homophily. The
last one, however, can distinguish influence and homophily. Note that in all
these tests, we assume that several temporal snapshots of the dataset are
available (like the LIM model) where we know exactly when each node is
activated, when edges are formed, or when attributes are changed.

8.4.1 Shuffle Test

The shuffle test was originally introduced byAnagnostopoulos et al. [2008].
The basic idea behind the shuffle test comes from the fact that influence
is temporal. In other words, whenuinfluencesv, thenvshould have been
activated afteru. So, in the shuffle test, we define a temporal assorta-
tivity measure. We assume that if there is no influence, then a shuffling
of the activation time stamps should not affect the temporal assortativity
SOCIAL In this temporal assortativity measure, calledsocial correlation, the
CORRELATION probability of activating a nodevdepends ona, the number of already
active friends it has. This activation probability is calculated using a logistic


1 +eαa+β

, (8.40)

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