Social Media Mining: An Introduction

(Axel Boer) #1

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CUUS2079-09 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 17:28

256 Recommendation in Social Media

Our goal in this section is to formalize how existing methods for recom-
mending to a single individual can be extended to a group of individuals.
Consider a group of individualsG={u 1 ,u 2 ,...,un}and a set of prod-
uctsI={i 1 ,i 2 ,...,im}. From the products inI, we aim to recommend
products to our group of individualsGsuch the recommendation satisfies
the group being recommended to as much as possible. One approach is to
first consider the ratings predicted for each individual in the group and then
devise methods that can aggregate ratings for the individuals in the group.
Products that have the highest aggregated ratings are selected for recom-
mendation. Next, we discuss these aggregation strategies for individuals in
the group.

Aggregation Strategies for a Group of Individuals
We discuss three major aggregation strategies for individuals in the group.
Each aggregation strategy considers an assumption based on which ratings
are aggregated. Letru,idenote the rating of useru∈Gfor itemi∈I.
DenoteRias the group-aggregated rating for itemi.

Maximizing Average Satisfaction. We assume that products that satisfy
each member of the group on average are the best to be recommended to the
group. Then,Rigroup rating based on the maximizing average satisfaction
strategy is given as





ru,i. (9.33)

After we computeRifor all itemsi∈I, we recommend the items that
have the highestRi’s to members of the group.

Least Misery.This strategy combines ratings by taking the minimum of
them. In other words, we want to guarantee that no individuals is being
recommended an item that he or she strongly dislikes. In least misery, the
aggregated ratingRiof an item is given as

Ri=minu∈Gru,i. (9.34)

Similar to the previous strategy, we computeRifor all itemsi∈Iand
recommend the items with the highestRivalues. In other words, we prefer
recommending items to the group such that no member of the group strongly
dislikes them.
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