Social Media Mining: An Introduction

(Axel Boer) #1

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CUUS2079-09 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 17:28

9.3 Recommendation Using Social Context 261

regularization terms, we can add this term to Equation9.51. Hence, our
final goal is to solve the following optimization problem:





i= 1


j= 1

Iij(Rij−UiTVj)^2 +β


i= 1


sim(i,j)||Ui−Uj||^2 F


λ 1

||U||^2 F+

λ 2

||V||^2 F, (9.54)

whereβis the constant that controls the effect of social network regulariza-
tion. A local minimum for this optimization problem can be obtained using
gradient-descent-based approaches. To solve this problem, we can compute
the gradient with respect toUi’s andVi’s and perform a gradient-descent-
based method.

9.3.3 Recommendation Constrained by Social Context

In classical recommendation, to estimate ratings of an item, one determines
similar users or items. In other words,any usersimilar to the individual
can contribute to the predicted ratings for the individual. We can limit the
set of individuals that can contribute to the ratings of a user to the set of
friends of the user. For instance, in user-based collaborative filtering, we
determine a neighborhood of most similar individuals. We can take the
intersection of this neighborhood with the set of friends of the individual to
attract recommendations only from friends who aresimilar enough:

ru,i=r ̄u+

v∈N∑(u)∩F(u)sim(u,v)(rv,i−r ̄v)

. (9.55)

This approach has its own shortcomings. When there is no intersection
between the set of friends and the neighborhood of most similar individuals,
the ratings cannot be computed. To mitigate this, one can use the set ofk
most similarfriends of an individualS(i) to predict the ratings,

ru,i=r ̄u+

v∈S∑(u)sim(u,v)(rv,i−r ̄v)

. (9.56)

Similarly, when friends are not very similar to the individual, the pre-
dicted rating can be different from the rating predicted using most similar
users. Depending on the context, both equations can be utilized.
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