Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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CUUS2079-02 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:38

2.1 Graph Basics 15

v 1 v 2 v 3

v 7

v 4 v 5 v 6

v 1 v 2 v 3

v 7

v 4 v 5 v 6

(a)Directed Graph (b)Undirected Graph
Figure 2.2. A Directed Graph and an Undirected Graph. Circles represent nodes, and
lines or arrows connecting nodes are edges.

people, edges indicate inter-node relationships and are therefore known as
relationshipsor(social) ties. The edge set is usually represented usingE, RELATIONSHIPS
E={e 1 ,e 2 ,...,em}, (2.2)

whereei,1≤i≤m, is an edge and the size of the set is commonly shown
asm=|E|. In Figure2.1, lines connecting nodes represent the edges, so
in this case,m=8. Edges are also represented by their endpoints (nodes),
soe(v 1 ,v 2 )(or(v 1 ,v 2 )) defines an edgeebetween nodesv 1 andv 2. Edges
can have directions, meaning one node is connected to another, but not vice
versa. When edges are undirected, nodes are connected both ways. Note that
in Figure2.2(b), edgese(v 1 ,v 2 ) ande(v 2 ,v 1 ) are the same edges, because
there is no direction in how nodes get connected. We call edges in this
graphundirectededges and this kind of graph anundirected graph. Con-
versely, when edges have directions,e(v 1 ,v 2 ) is not the same ase(v 2 ,v 1 ).
Graph2.2(a) is a graph withdirectededges; it is an example of adirected
graph. Directed edges are represented using arrows. In a directed graph,
an edgee(vi,vj) is represented using an arrow that starts atviand ends
atvj. Edges can start and end at the same node; these edges are called
loopsorself-linksand are represented ase(vi,vi). For any nodevi,inan
undirected graph the set of nodes it is connected to via an edge is called its
neighborhoodand is represented asN(vi). In Figure2.1,N(Jade)={Jeff, NEIGHBORHOOD
Juan}. In directed graphs, nodevihas incoming neighborsNin(vi) (nodes
that connect tovi) and outgoing neighborsNout(vi) (nodes thatviconnects
to). In Figure 2.2(a),Nin(v 2 )={v 3 }andNout(v 2 )={v 1 ,v 3 }.

2.1.3 Degree and Degree Distribution

The number of edges connected to one node is thedegreeof that node.
Degree of a nodeviis often denoted usingdi. In the case of directed edges,
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