Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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16 Graph Essentials

nodes havein-degrees(edges pointing toward the node) andout-degrees
(edges pointing away from the node). These values are presented usingdiin
anddiout, respectively. In social media, degree represents the number of
friends a given user has. For example, on Facebook, degree represents the
user’s number of friends, and on Twitter in-degree and out-degree represent
the number of followers and followees, respectively. In any undirected
graph, the summation of all node degrees is equal to twice the number of

Theorem 2.1. The summation of degrees in an undirected graph is twice
the number of edges,


di= 2 |E|. (2.3)

Proof.Any edge has two endpoints; therefore, when calculating the degrees
dianddjfor any connected nodesviandvj, the edge between them con-
tributes 1 to bothdianddj; hence, if the edge is removed,dianddjbecome
di−1 anddj−1, and the summation


kdk−2. Hence,
by removal of allmedges, the degree summation becomes smaller by 2m.
However, we know that when all edges are removed the degree summation
becomes zero; therefore, the degree summation is 2×m= 2 |E|.

Lemma 2.1. In an undirected graph, there are an even number of nodes
having odd degree.

Proof.The result can be derived from the previous theorem directly because
the summation of degrees is even: 2|E|. Therefore, when nodes with even
degree are removed from this summation, the summation of nodes with
odd degree should also be even; hence, there must exist an even number of
nodes with odd degree.

Lemma 2.2.In any directed graph, the summation of in-degrees is equal
to the summation of out-degrees,




dinj. (2.4)

Proof.The proof is left as an exercise.

Degree Distribution
In very large graphs, distribution of node degrees (degree distribution)
is an important attribute to consider. The degree distribution plays an
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