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CUUS2079-02 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:38
18 Graph Essentials
1 500 5000
Figure 2.3. Degree Distribution for both the global and U.S. population of Facebook
users (fromUgander et al. [2011]). There exist many users with few friends and a few
users with many friends. This is due to a power-law degree distribution.
Graphs can also have subgraphs. For any graphG(V,E), a graph
G′(V′,E′)isasubgraphofG(V,E), if the following properties hold:
V′⊆V, (2.8)
E′⊆(V′×V′)∩E. (2.9)
2.2 Graph Representation
We have demonstrated the visual representation of graphs. This represen-
tation, although clear to humans, cannot be used effectively by computers
or manipulated using mathematical tools. We therefore seek representa-
tions that can store the node and edge sets in a way that (1) does not lose
information, (2) can be manipulated easily by computers, and (3) can have
mathematical methods applied easily.
Adjacency Matrix
A simple way of representing graphs is to use anadjacency matrix(also
SOCIOMATRIX known as asociomatrix). Figure2.4depicts an example of a graph and
its corresponding adjacency matrix. A value of 1 in the adjacency matrix