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CUUS2079-02 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:38
20 Graph Essentials
Edge List
Another simple and common approach to storing large graphs is to save all
edges in the graph. This is known as theedge listrepresentation. For the
graph shown in Figure2.4, we have the following edge list representation:
(v 1 ,v 2 )
(v 2 ,v 3 )
(v 2 ,v 4 )
(v 3 ,v 4 )
(v 4 ,v 5 )
(v 4 ,v 6 )
In this representation, each element is an edge and is represented as
(vi,vj), denoting that nodeviis connected to nodevj. Since social media
networks are sparse, both the adjacency list and edge list representations
save significant space. This is because many zeros need to be stored when
using adjacency matrices, but do not need to be stored in an adjacency or
an edge list.
2.3 Types of Graphs
In general, there are many basic types of graphs. In this section we discuss
several basic types of graphs.
Null Graph.A null graph is a graph where the node set is empty (there
are no nodes). Obviously, since there are no nodes, there are also no edges.
G(V,E), V=E=∅. (2.11)
Empty Graph.An empty oredgelessgraph is one where the edge set is
G(V,E), E=∅. (2.12)
Note that the node set can be non-empty. A null graph is an empty graph
but not vice versa.
Directed/Undirected/Mixed Graphs.Graphs that we have discussed thus
far rarely had directed edges. As mentioned, graphs that only have directed
edges are calleddirectedgraphs and ones that only have undirected ones are