Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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CUUS2079-02 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:38

2.4 Connectivity in Graphs 23

uv w
Figure 2.6. Adjacent Nodes and Incident Edges. In this graphuandv,aswellasvand
w, are adjacent nodes, and edges (u,v)and(v,w) are incident edges.

beginning of the other; that is, the edge directions must match for edges to
be incident.

Traversing an Edge.An edge in a graph can betraversedwhen one starts at
one of its end-nodes, moves along the edge, and stops at its other end-node.
So, if an edgee(a,b) connects nodesaandb, then visitingecan start ata
and end atb. Alternatively, in an undirected graph we can start atband end
the visit ata.

Walk, Path, Trail, Tour, and Cycle.A walk is a sequence of incident
edges traversed one after another. In other words, if in a walk one traverses
edgese 1 (v 1 ,v 2 ),e 2 (v 2 ,v 3 ),e 3 (v 3 ,v 4 ),...,en(vn,vn+ 1 ), we havev 1 as the
walk’s starting node andvn+ 1 as the walk’s ending node. When a walk does
not end where it started (v 1 =vn+ 1 ) then it is called anopen walk. When OPEN WALK

a walk returns to where it was started (v 1 =vn+ 1 ), it is called aclosed
walk. Similarly, a walk can be denoted as a sequence of nodes,v 1 ,v 2 ,
v 3 ,...,vn. In this representation, the edges that are traversed aree 1 (v 1 ,v 2 ),
e 2 (v 2 ,v 3 ),...,en− 1 (vn− 1 ,vn). The length of a walk is the number of edges
traversed during the walk and in our case isn−1.
Atrailis a walk where no edge is traversed more than once; therefore,
all walk edges are distinct. A closed trail (one that ends where it started) is
called atourorcircuit.
A walk where nodes and edges are distinct is called apath, and a closed
path is called acycle. The length of a path or cycle is the number of edges
traversed in the path or cycle. In a directed graph, we havedirected paths
because traversal of edges is only allowed in the direction of the edges. In
Figure2.7,v 4 ,v 3 ,v 6 ,v 4 ,v 2 is a walk;v 4 ,v 3 is a path;v 4 ,v 3 ,v 6 ,v 4 ,v 2 is a
trail; andv 4 ,v 3 ,v 6 ,v 4 is both a tour and a cycle.
A graph has aHamiltoniancycle if it has a cycle such that all the
nodes in the graph are visited. It has anEuleriantour if all the edges are
traversed only once. Examples of a Hamiltonian cycle and an Eulerian tour
are provided in Figure2.8.
One can perform arandom walkon a weighted graph, where nodes are RANDOM
visited randomly. The weight of an edge, in this case, defines the probability WALK
of traversing it. For this to work correctly, we must make sure that for all
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