Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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2.4 Connectivity in Graphs 25

Algorithm 2.1Random Walk
Require:Initial Nodev 0 , Weighted GraphG:(V,E,W), Stepst
1: return Random WalkP
2: state=0;
3: vt=v 0 ;
4: P={v 0 };
5: whilestate<tdo
6: state=state+1;
8: select a random nodevjadjacent tovtwith probabilitywt,j;
9: vt=vj;
10: P=P∪{vj};
11: end while
12: ReturnP

Connectivity.A nodeviisconnectedto nodevj(orvjisreachablefrom
vi) if it is adjacent to it or there exists apathfromvitovj. A graph is
connectedif there exists a path between any pair of nodes in it. In a directed
graph, the graph isweakly connectedif there exists a path between any
pair of nodes, without following the edge directions (i.e., directed edges are
replaced with undirected edges). The graph isstrongly connectedif there
exists a directed path (following edge directions) between any pair of nodes.
Figure2.9shows examples of connected, disconnected, weakly connected,
and strongly connected graphs.
Components.A component in an undirected graph is a subgraph such
that, there exists a path between every pair of nodes inside the compo-
nent. Figure2.10(a) depicts an undirected graph with three components.
A component in a directed graph is strongly connected if, for every pair

v 1 v 2

v 4 v 3

v 1 v 2

v 4 v 3

v 1 v 2

v 6 v 3

v 5 v 4

v 5 v 2

v 1

v 4 v 3

(a) Connected (b) Disconnected (c) Strongly connected (d) Weakly connected
Figure 2.9. Connectivity in Graphs.
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