Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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2.5 Special Graphs 29









v (^557)
v 1
v 6 v 8
v 7
v 3
v 2
v 4
Figure 2.13. Steiner Tree. [Steiner tree forV′={v 2 ,v 4 ,v 7 }].
an edge. Hence,






. (2.17)

Complete graphs withnnodes are often denoted asKn.K 1 ,K 2 ,K 3 , and
K 4 are shown in Figure2.14.

2.5.4 Planar Graphs
A graph that can be drawn in such a way that no two edges cross each other
(other than the endpoints) is calledplanar. A graph that is not planar is
denoted asnonplanar. Figure2.15shows an example of a planar graph and
a nonplanar graph.

2.5.5 Bipartite Graphs

A bipartite graphG(V,E) is a graph where the node set can be partitioned
into two sets such that, for all edges, one endpoint is in one set and the other
endpoint is in the other set. In other words, edges connect nodes in these
two sets, but there exist no edges between nodes that belong to the same

v 1

v 1

v 1

v 1

v 2

v 2

v 2 v 3 v 4 v 3
Figure 2.14. Complete GraphsKifor 1≤i≤4.
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