Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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CUUS2079-02 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:38

36 Graph Essentials

Algorithm 2.4Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm
Require: Start nodes, weighted graph/treeG:(V,E,W)
1: return Shortest paths and distances fromsto all other nodes.
2: forv∈Vdo
3: distance[v]=∞;
4: predecessor[v]=−1;
5: end for
6: distance[s]=0;
7: unvisited=V;
8: whileunvisited =∅do
9: smallest=arg minv∈unvisiteddistance(v);
10: ifdistance(smallest)==∞then
11: break;
12: end if
13: unvisited=unvisited\{smallest};
14: currentDistance=distance(smallest);
15: foradjacent node tosmallest:neighbor∈unvisited do
16: newPath=currentDistance+w(smallest,neighbor);
17: ifnewPath<distance(neighbor)then
18: distance(neighbor)=newPath;
19: predecessor(neighbor)=smallest;
20: end if
21: end for
22: end while
23: Returndistance[] andpredecessor[] arrays

This can be performed by comparing its current shortest path length
(distance(neighbor)) to the path length that goes throughsmall-
est(distance(smallest)+w(smallest,neighbor)). This condition is
checked in Line 17.

  1. If the current shortest path can be improved, the path and its length
    are updated. The paths are saved based on predecessors in the path
    sequence. Since, for every node, we only need the predecessor to
    reconstruct a path recursively, thepredecessorarray keeps track of

  2. A node is marked as visited after all its neighbors are processed and
    is no longer changed in terms of (1) the shortest path that ends with
    it and (2) its shortest path length.

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