Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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2.6 Graph Algorithms 45

v 1
v 6
v 2

v 3

v 4

v 7

v 8

v 9

s t

v 5
Figure 2.27. Maximum Bipartite Matching Using Max Flow.

be easily solved by creating a flow graphG(V′,E′,C) from our bipartite
graphG(V,E), as follows:

 Connect all nodes inVLtosand all nodes inVRtot,

E′=E∪{(s,v)|v∈VL}∪{(v,t)|v∈VR}. (2.25)


This procedure is graphically shown in Figure2.27. By solving the max
flow for this flow graph, the maximum matching is obtained, since the
maximum number of edges need to be used betweenVLandVRfor the flow
to become maximum.^4

2.6.6 Bridge Detection
As discussed in Section2.5.7,bridgesorcut edges are edges whose CUT-EDGES
removal makes formerly connected components disconnected. Here we list
a simple algorithm for detecting bridges. This algorithm is computationally
expensive, but quite intuitive. More efficient algorithms have been described
for the same task.
Since we know that, by removing bridges, formerly connected compo-
nents become disconnected, one simple algorithm is to remove edges one
by one and test if the connected components become disconnected. This
algorithm is outlined in Algorithm2.7.
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