Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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CUUS2079-03 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:45

52 Network Measures

3.1 Centrality
Centralitydefines how important a node is within a network.

3.1.1 Degree Centrality
In real-world interactions, we often consider people with many connections
to be important. Degree centrality transfers the same idea into a measure.
The degree centrality measure ranks nodes with more connections higher
in terms of centrality. The degree centralityCdfor nodeviin an undirected
graph is

Cd(vi)=di, (3.1)

wherediis the degree (number of adjacent edges) of nodevi. In directed
graphs, we can either use the in-degree, the out-degree, or the combination
as the degree centrality value:

Cd(vi)=diin (prestige), (3.2)
Cd(vi)=diout (gregariousness), (3.3)
Cd(vi)=diin+diout. (3.4)

When using in-degrees, degree centrality measures how popular a node
PROMINENCE is and its value showsprominenceorprestige. When using out-degrees, it

measures thegregariousnessof a node. When we combine in-degrees and
out-degrees, we are basically ignoring edge directions. In fact, when edge
directions are removed, Equation3.4is equivalent to Equation3.1, which
measures degree centrality for undirected graphs.
The degree centrality measure does not allow for centrality values to be
compared across networks (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). To overcome this
problem, we can normalize the degree centrality values.

Normalizing Degree Centrality
Simple normalization methods include normalizing by the maximum
possible degree,

Cnormd (vi)=

n− 1

, (3.5)

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