Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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64 Network Measures

v 1

v 2

v 3

v 4 v 5

Figure 3.7. Group Centrality Example.

Group Closeness Centrality

Closeness centrality for groups can be defined as



̄lgroupS , (3.45)

wherel ̄groupS =|V^1 −S|

vj ∈SlS,vjandlS,vjis the length of the shortest path
between a groupSand a nonmembervj∈V−S. This length can be
defined in multiple ways. One approach is to find the closest member inS

lvi,vj. (3.46)

One can also use the maximum distance or the average distance to
compute this value.
Example 3.10.Consider the graph in Figure3.7.LetS={v 2 ,v 3 }. Group
degree centrality for S is

Cdgroup(S)= 3 , (3.47)

since members of the group are connected to all other three members
in V−S={v 1 ,v 4 ,v 5 }. The normalized value is 1, since 3 /|V−S|= 1.
Group betweenness centrality is 6 , since for 2

( 3



shortest paths between
any two members of V−S, the path has to pass through members of S. The
normalized group betweenness is 1 , since 6 /






= 1. Finally, group
closeness centrality – assuming the distance from nonmembers to members
of S is computed using the minimum function – is also 1, since any member
of V−S is connected to a member of S directly.

3.2 Transitivity and Reciprocity
Often we need to observe a specific behavior in a social media network.
One such behavior is linking behavior. Linking behavior determines how
links (edges) are formed in a social graph. In this section, we discuss two
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