Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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66 Network Measures

the third edge (v 3 ,v 1 ) exists (i.e., the path is closed). Thus, clustering
coefficientCis defined as


|Closed Paths of Length 2|
|Paths of Length 2|

. (3.48)

Alternatively, we can count triangles


(Number of Triangles)× 6
|Paths of Length 2|

. (3.49)

Since every triangle has six closed paths of length 2, we can rewrite


(Number of Triangles)× 3
Number of Connected Triples of Nodes

. (3.50)

In this equation, a triple is an ordered set of three nodes, connected by
two (i.e., open triple) or three (closed triple) edges. Two triples are different
 their nodes are different, or
 their nodes are the same, but the triples are missing different edges.

For example, triplesvivjvkandvjvkviare different, since the first triple
is missing edgee(vk,vi) and the second triple is missing edgee(vi,vj), even
though they have the same members. Following the same argument, triples
vivjvkandvkvjviare the same, because both are missing edgee(vk,vi) and
have the same members. Since triangles have three edges, one edge can be
missed in each triple; therefore, three different triples can be formed from
one triangle. The number of triangles are therefore multiplied by a factor
of 3 in the numerator of Equation3.50. Note that the clustering coefficient
is computed for the whole network.

Example 3.11.For the graph in Figure3.9, the clustering coefficient is


(Number of Triangles)× 3
Number of Connected Triples of Nodes


2 × 3

2 × 3 + ︸︷︷︸ 2

v 2 v 1 v 4 ,v 2 v 3 v 4

= 0. 75. (3.51)

The clustering coefficient can also be computed locally. The following
subsection discusses how it can be computed for a single node.
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