e^2 A
e^2 A+ 1
(iv)(eA+e−A)^2 −(eA−e−A)^2 =(eA)^2 + 2 eAe−A
+(e−A)^2 −((eA)^2 − 2 eAe−A+(e−A)^2 )
= 4 eAe−A= 4
4.2.5 Logarithms to general base
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What about theinverse function(100
) of the exponential function? That is, if
then what isxin terms ofy?
By definition, we call the inverse of the exponential function thelogarithm to basea
and write
Note thatamust be positive if we are to avoid complex numbers and it must not be equal
to unity, since 1 raised to any power will again be 1.
In the special case of the exponentialex, we call the inverse thenatural logarithm,
denoted ln. Thus if
y=ex, thenx=logey=lny
An equivalent definition of thelogarithm of a numberxto baseais as that power to
which the base must be raised to givex.Thatis,
In particular
Note that sinceaxcan never be negative, then logayis only defined for positive values of
y. This is sometimes emphasised by writing loga|y|, although often we omit the modulus
signs and simply take it for granted that all real quantities under a logarithm are to be
assumed positive.
From the definition of logaxit also follows that
and in particular