6.2.5 Inverse trigonometric functions
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The inverse function (100
)ofsinxis denoted sin−^1 x(Sometimes the notation ‘arcsin
x’ is used). That is ify=sinxthenx=sin−^1 y.Sosin−^1 xisthe angle whose sine is
x. Similarly
cos−^1 x=angle whose cosine isx
tan−^1 x=angle whose tangent isx
sec−^1 x=angle whose sec isx
cosec−^1 x=angle whose cosec isx
cot−^1 x=angle whose cot isx
Note that because, for example,
sin 135°=sin 45°=
the quantity sin−^1
can take more than one value – we say it ismulti-valued.In
general, because of periodicity all the inverse trigonometric functions are multi-valued.
Thus, for a givenx,sin−^1 xwill yield an infinite range of values. In order to restrict to a
unique value of sin−^1 xfor each value ofxwe take what is called theprincipal valueof
sin−^1 x, which is the value lying in the range
≤sin−^1 x≤
So, for example, the principal value of sin−^1
is 45°. This is shown in Figure 6.11.
− 1 0 1 x
p/2 y = sin− (^1) x
− 2
Figure 6.11Inverse sine, sin−^1 x.
Similarly we can define principal values for the other inverse trigonometric func-
tions – Figure 6.12 illustrates the principal value ranges for cos−^1 xand tan−^1 x.
Since the inverse functions are multi-valued we need expressions for the general solution
of equations such as siny=x, i.e. we need to obtain expressions for the most general
angle given by sin−^1 xand other inverse functions. We will simply state the results here:
sin−^1 x=nπ+(− 1 )nPV
cos−^1 x= 2 nπ±PV
tan−^1 x=nπ+PV