Understanding Engineering Mathematics

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Integrating rational functions 265
Integration 253
Integration by parts 273
Intercept of a line 212
Intercept theorem 153
Intersecting lines 216
Interval 98
Inverse Laplace transform 512
Inverse matrix 381, 395
Inverse of a function 100
Inverse trig functions 184
Irrational number 6, 411
Isosceles triangle 150
Iteration 426

Kinematics 311

Laplace equation 490
Laplace transform 285, 504
Laplace transform of the derivative 509
Law of natural growth 127
Limit 125, 412
Line 147
Line segment 147
Linear approximation 441
Linear combination 463
Linear equation 48, 65
Linear expression 40
Linear first order equation 458
Linear inequality 99
Linear programmming 223
Linear substitution 260
Linear superpositions 515
Linear systems 515
Logarithm 130
Lowest common multiple (LCM) 9

Maclaurin’s series 434
Magnitude of a vector 320, 331
Mantissa 24
Mapping 90
Matrix 378
Maximum 294
Mean 110, 314
Method of least squares 312
Midpoint of a line 209
Minimum 294
Mixed fraction 12
Modulus 8
Modulus function 96
Modulus of a complex number 355
Moment of a force 347
Moment of inertia 313

Monomial 43
Multiplication by a scalar 322, 331
Multiplication of matrices 383

Natural exponential function 124
Natural logarithm 130
Natural numbers 5
Negative numbers 5
Newton’s laws 245, 477
Newton’s method 427
Normal to a curve 230, 293
nth harmonic 518
nth term 105
Numerator 12, 55

Obtuse angles 149
Odd function 95
Open interval 98
Opposite angles 149
Order of differential equation 448
Ordinary differential equation 448
Orthogonality relations 517
Orthonormal basis 329
Orthonormal set 329

Parallel lines 149, 214
Parallelogram law 321
Parametric differentiation 240
Parametric representation 91
Parametric representation of curves 219
Partial differential equation 490
Parseval’s theorem 526
Partial derivative 487
Partial fractions 62, 265
Partial sum 428
Particular integral 462, 469
Particular solution 449
Percentage 13
Period 182
Periodic functions 180
Permutation 16
Perpendicular lines 214
Phasors 198, 371
Piecewise continuous function 505
Plane 485
Plane geometry 149
Plotting a graph 92
Point 147
Point of inflection 294
Polar coordinates 206
Polar form of a complex number 355
Polynomial 43, 52
Polynomial equation 43, 52
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