Position vector 319
Power 18, 70
Prime number 8
Principal value 184
Product rule 234
Proof 155
Proof by contradiction 411
Proper fraction 12
Proportion 14
Pythagoras’ theorem 154
Pythagorean identity 185
Quadratic equation 65
Quadratic expression 41
Quadratic inequality 99
Quotient 10
Quotient rule 235
Radians 148, 173
Radius of convergence 436
Range 90
Rate of change 292
Ratio 14
Rational function 54
Rational number 6, 12, 410
Rationalisation 20
Rationalisation of complex numbers 355
Real axis 355
Real line 6
Real numbers 6
Real part 353
Reciprocal 13
Reciprocal function 90
Rectangular coordinate system 205
Reflex angles 149
Remainder theorem 61
Restrictions 300
Right angle 149
Right-angled triangle 150
Right-handed set 323
Rigour 88
Root mean square 314
Roots 44
Rounding 24
Rules of algebra 41
Rules of arithmetic 10
Rules of differentiation 234
Rules of indices 18
S(ketch) GRAPH 299
Scalar 318
Scalar product 334
Scalene triangle 150
Scientific notation 24
Secant 157
Second order equations 462
Sequence 102
Series 102
Sigma notation 102
Significant figures 23
Similar triangles 152
Simple harmonic oscillator 404
Simultaneous equations 48
Sine 175
Sine rule 178
Sine wave 182
Sinusoidal function 182, 515
Sketching a graph 92
Slope of a curve 230, 292, 421
Slope of a line 210
Solution 52
Solution of triangles 180
Solving inequalities 98
Square root 19
Stability 525
Standard derivatives 232
Standard integral 255
Stationary points 294
Step function 419, 506
Subscript 43
Substitution 260
Sum 10
Sum to infinity 105
Supplementary angles 148
Surd 20
Surface 485
Symbols 40
Symmetry 299
Tangent 157, 175
Tangent plane 486
Tangent to a curve 230, 293
Taylor series 434
Tensor 318
Torque 347
Total derivative 492
Total differential 492
Transfer function 525
Transpose 381
Transposing a formula 94
Transversal 149
Trap-door principle 9
Triangle 150
Triangle law 321
Triangular wave 507, 519
Trig identities in integration 269