EGYPTIAN VULTURE(NEOPHRONPERCNOPTERUS)This vultureâs rangeincludes southernEurope, Africa, India,and Nepal. The Inter-national Union forConservation of Nature(IUCN) has assessedthe bird as endan-gered, one of the ninecategories it uses todescribe a speciesâconservation status.PHOTOGRAPHED AT INTERNATIONALCENTRE FOR BIRDS OF PREY, NEWENT,ENGLANDPREVIOUS PHOTOSLeft: The shoebillis found in East Africafrom South Sudanto Zambia. The IUCNhas assessed it asvulnerable.ZOOTAMPA AT LOWRY PARK,TAMPA, FLORIDARight: The IUCN saysthis eagle is criticallyendangered in itsrange, which coversthe Philippine islandsof Leyte, Luzon, Min-danao, and Samar.PHILIPPINE EAGLE FOUNDATION,DAVAO CITY, PHILIPPINESAUGUST 2018 11
martin jones
(Martin Jones)