NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICPROOF EMBARK EXPLORECONTENTSAUGUST 201836ALSO- Ancient Bloodsuckers- Chilling Out on Mars- Migrationâs ArtifactsTHROUGH THE LENSAn Imageâs ImpactThey shared a photo towarn of climate threatsto wildlife but the mes-sage got sidetracked.BY CRISTINA MITTERMEIERATLASCoral Reef LossRising sea surface tem-peratures cause coralbleaching and deathat landmarks like theGreat Barrier Reef.BY LAUREN E. JAMESALSO
- Out of Eden Walk: Update- Descent Into a Volcano With Sulfur MinersEndangered BirdsWhen one-of-a-kindspecies are on theverge of extinction,what persuades peopleto save them? Maybethe right images.BY JONATHAN BAILLIEPHOTOGRAPHS BYTIM FLACH
817On the CoverWile Wennman, seven, ofNacka, Sweden, likes to fallasleep with the light on, sayshis father, Magnusâa pho-tographer whoâs traveledthe world to capture howand where people sleep.MAGNUS WENNMAN``````THE BIG IDEAAre We as Awfulas We Act Online?Itâs not human naturethat sparks mean postsand tweets. But evolu-tion does play a role.BY AGUSTÃN FUENTESDATA SHEETEarth-Friendly TransitTransportation systemshelp cities stem pollu-tion, increase livability.BY RYAN MORRIS ANDKELSEY NOWAKOWSKI
martin jones
(Martin Jones)