In Sweden hundredsof immigrant childrenwhose families facedeportation have con-tracted resignationsyndrome, a bafflingdisorder in which thechild withdraws fromthe world, wonât reacteven to painful stimuli,and must be nourishedwith a feeding tubeâsometimes for years.âShe is not sufferingnow, â physician Elisa-beth Hultcrantz saysof Leyla Ahmed, 10,a Syrian refugee.NEXT PHOTOMike Morris, an Armyveteran of two toursin Iraq, wears an EEGcap as he sleeps withhis therapy dog, Olive.Heâs part of a study byJeffrey Ellenbogen ofJohns Hopkins Univer-sity that explores howcompanionship andthe sounds a sleeperis exposed to affectrecovery from trauma.Anyone whoregularlysleeps less thansix hours hasa higher riskof depression,psychosis,stroke, andobesity.Sleeplessnessunderminesyour wholebody.SLEEP 69
martin jones
(Martin Jones)