PenneyIslandnlTryworksLower jawBlubber12 inBuoyDeep pursuit The killWhalers severed strong tail tendons to avoid beingflipped by the whale, then lanced its vital organs.``````Harpoon lines uncoiled rap-idly as the tethered whalesped up or dived under-water to attempt escape.``````The oil harthe whalesâ insulatvested from -iEuropeâs ng blubber lubricated looms, burnedimixed into soapsn oil lamps, and was.``````Filter-feeding baleen plates, strong andfclexible, were used as orset stays and laterafishing rods.s umbrella ribs and``````Wnight, two teams of men orking in shifts day andccould capture and proess a whale into 60 bar--rels of oil within 2.5 days.``````SI TTwinTIIslesI
PIHarbourTheRed BaySan Juan?
CemeteryStrait of Belle Isle(1565)0 ft 1,0000 m 250
Direction of view in sceneTryworksShipwreckSunken wharf``````0 mi^2000 km 200``````Red Bay(enlarged)Strait ofBelle Isle
ATLANTIC OCEANGulf of St.LawrenceBasque fishing orwhaling areas(1530â1580)ewfounddllandC
(^13)48° N60° WCTLUL(bBS MBL FttbH((head, (aactual size)aMshaounted on wooden fts, iron-headedwere coateharpoons and lancesd with wax toprotect aseagawinst corrosater. iveMoving the bountyChalupas worked together to drag the whale, a ropetied around its tail, from open water to ship or shore.Each season some 1,000 men on 15 ships hunted or manned 15tryworks (oil-rendering stations) at the height of Basque whalingin the 1560s and â70s.Basque crews killed about 13,000 whales in these coastalwaters during the 16th century.THE TRADERED BAYSaddIslandSaddleSaddleIslandSaddleIsIslandlanddldeee TTwinTwinTwinwinnnIslesIIslesIslesIslesslessIslandPenneyPIIslandPenneyPenneyPenneyPenneyIslandIslandsennelandddyyNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNeeeeeewwwwwwfffffffffffffffffffffffffffoooooouuuuuunnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaannnnnnddddddCCANADACANADACANADAANADAAA33 108 ft^108 33 m33 m108 ft108 ft33 m mm ftttCemeterCemeteryCemeteryCemeteryyyyTryworksTryworkTryworksTryworksTryworkssssLower jawLower jawLLower Lower jawLower jawjawwwUpper Upper jawUpper jawUpper jawjawww(coverinLipL(covering(coveringLipLip(coveringippp gggbbaleen)baleen)baleen)aleen)))BaleeBaleenBaleenBaleennnnSkinSkinSkiSkinnnn MuscleMuscleMuscleMuscleeeBuoyBBBuoyBuoyBuoyuoyyyLLancesLancesLancesancesss tools,Ftools,FlensingFlensingFlensingttools,oolslensing,blubbertbto stripto stripto stripblubberblubbero strlubberip^ rr(head(head, (head,(head,HarpoonHarpoonHarpoonH(head,arpoon,actual size)aactual size)actual size)actual size)ctual size)))
martin jones
(Martin Jones)