How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment

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Nothing convinces me more of the collective character of knowledge
production than finishing this book, which has been at the center of
a great many conversations with friends and colleagues over the past
several years.
My first thanks go to a few social scientists who helped me gain
access to my research sites. Craig Calhoun, president of the Social
Science Research Council, understood the interest of my research
from the start, opened the door of SSRC, and contributed to enroll-
ing other institutions. Stanley Katz, president emeritus of the Ameri-
can Council of Learned Societies and a former colleague at Prince-
ton University, also played a crucial role, as did Robert Weisbuch and
Judith Pinch of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Founda-
tion. I also thank the leaders of those participating organizations
that requested anonymity, and the program officers with whom I
The project would not have been possible without the goodwill of
the many academics who agreed to be interviewed and observed. I


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