role by giving an essential “native” reader’s reaction to my descrip-
tion of various disciplinary cultures in Chapter 3. I want to both ac-
knowledge their generosity and exonerate them from all blame. They
are, for anthropology, John Bowen, Don Brenneis and Nancy
Schepper-Hughes; for philosophy, Rebecca Goldstein; for literary
studies, Jonathan Arac, Homi Bhabha, and Leah Price; for history,
Natalie Zemon Davis, Drew Faust and Bill Sewell; for political sci-
ence, Suzanne Berger, Peter Hall, and Sid Tarrow; and for economics,
David Cutler and Elhanan Helpman.
Conversations with a broader group of colleagues also enriched
my thinking about the project. I am particularly grateful to col-
leagues who commented on the entire manuscript or on chapters:
Steve Brint, Charles Camic, Bruce Carruthers, Wendy Espeland, Marion
Fourcade, Marcel Fournier, Neil Gross, Josh Guetzkow, Annette
Lareau, Grégoire Mallard, Jenny Mansbridge, Chandra Mukerji, Claude
Rosenthal, Mitchell Stevens, Art Stinchcombe, Andreas Wimmer,
and Chris Winship. I also benefited from exchanges with Julia Ad-
ams, Randall Collins, Nina Eliasoph, Irwin Feller, David Frank, Joan
Fujimura, Patricia Gumport, Stanley Hegginbotham, Nathalie
Heinich, Antoine Hennion, Warren Ilchman, Karin Knorr, Bruno
Latour, Paul Lichterman, John Meyer, Kelly Moore, Christine
Musselin, Francisco Ramirez, Susan Silbey, Peggy Somers, George
Steinmetz, Laurent Thévenot, Diane Vaughan, Mark Ventresca, and
Woody Powell. The book also greatly benefited from continuing ex-
changes with former graduate students who worked in the sociology
of knowledge at Princeton: Sada Aksartova, Virag Molnar, Kyoko
Sato, Anna Xiao Sun, and Laura Stark. At Harvard, the Culture and
Social Analysis workshop also provided another ideal audience since
- I thank the graduate students who are regular workshop par-
ticipants for their many contributions to my thinking on this and
other topics: Alvaro Acuna-Santana, Chris Bail, Jovonne Bickerstaff,
Jeff Denis, Crystal Fleming, Nathan Fosse,Joyce Liu, Mark Pachucki,
Acknowledgments / 319