
(sharon) #1

(^156) 4. Equations

  1. Determine a manic cubic polynomial over Q one of whose zeros is
    1 _ p/3 + p/3.


Chapter 4

1.1. Add the equations and determine x + y + z first.

1.3. Use Exercise 2 and the first two equations to obtain x : y : z.

1.4. Set t = u and consider the two equations as a linear system in the
“variables” u2, u, 1.

1.6. (a) Multiply the first equation by xy, XZ, respectively. Treat the other
equations similarly.

1.11. (a) Add the equations ai = rbi.

3.3. (c) t”+2 = yP+1 - tk.

3.4. Use the quadratic and cubic cases to predict what k should be.

3.8. We wish to find a number p + 21f4q + 21f2r + 23f4s such that
(a+. ..)(~+a. .) is an element of F. Begin by multiplying (a+21i2c)+
2114(b + 21i2d) by a number to yield a product with no terms in 2114.
Now multiply by a second factor which disposes of the terms in 21i2.

3.9. If a + b&i is a zero of f(t), then so also is a - b&. Use the Factor
Theorem to determine a quadratic factor of f(t) over F. Or, the third
zero is the sum of the zeros less 2a.

6.10. If p = qr is prime, then either q or r is 1. How often can a polynomial
assume the values fl?

7.1. Write equation as difference of squares equals 0.

7.2. Let u = x2 + x - 1, v = x2 - x - 2. Write as equation in u and v.

7.3. Let x = 1 -t.

7.4. Write the left side as (u - a’)(~ + a2), where u = x2 + 5ax + 5a2.

7.7. Square both sides and write in terms of y = x[x - (a + b)].

7.9. Use the Factor Theorem to find the form of p(t) - t and also of
p(p(t)) -p(t). Note that p(p(t)) -t is the sum of these two quantities.
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