
(sharon) #1

188 5. Approximation and Location of Zeros

  1. Let 731 < 782 < ... < nk be a set of positive integers. Prove that the
    polynomial 1 + z”l + zn3 +... + 9’~ has no zeros inside the circle
    l-4 < (1/2)(&- 1).

  2. For which complex values of a do all the zeros of z3 + 12( 1 + ifi)% + a
    lie on a straight line?

  3. Show that 1 + t + t2/2! + t3/3! +... + t2”/(2n)! = 0 has no real roots.

  4. Prove that a polynomial p(t) f or which p(t) is real when t is real and
    nonreal when t is nonreal must be linear.

  5. Let p(t) = ao+alt+.. .+a”t” be a real polynomial of degree exceeding
    1, such that
    0 < a0 < - x[1/(2k+ l)]a2k.
    Prove that p(t) h as a real zero r such that Irl < 1.

  6. p(z) is a complex polynomial whose zeros can be covered by a closed
    circular disc of radius R. Show that the zeros of rip(z)) - kp’(z) can
    be covered by a closed circular disc of radius R + lkl, where n is the
    degree of p(z), k is any complex number and p’(z) is the derivative
    of p(z).

  7. Find all the zeros of azPt* - bzp + b - a (0 < a < b) which satisfy
    I%[ = 1.

  8. Suppose that -1 < u 5 1. Prove that each root of the equation

has modulus 1.

2 “i-1 - ux” f ‘212 - 1 = 0

  1. Show that, for all integers k >_ 0,

tn + 1) -kx” + n

-Lx+1 + * *. + 2-kx + 1 = 0

has no real root if n is even and exactly one root if n is odd.

  1. Let al, 02,... , a” be nonzero reals with al < 02 <... < a”. Show
    that the following equation holds for n real values of x:

-+-^01 02 +...+%==,
al-x 02 -x 0” - x
if all the oi have the same sign. What happens if al < 0 < a,?

  1. Let k > 0. Show that, if lail < k (1 5 i 5 n), then
    1+ 01z + 0222 +... + 0”Z” = 0

has no root with IzI < l/(k + 1). Is the converse true?
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