
(sharon) #1

Solutions to Problems; Chapter (^3 293)
(c) Cubing the three equations and adding (taking account of (a) and
(b)) yields
a3 + b3 + c3 = b3y3(z-3 + x-“) + c3z3(xm3 + yS3)

  • a3x3(ys3 + z-“) + 9abc
    = b3y3(-x-‘y-‘z-1 - y-3) + ,3,3(-x-~y-‘z-~ _ %-3)

  • a3x3(-x-‘yS1z-’ - y-“) + 9abc
    = -(a” + b3 + c3) - x-‘y-‘zS1(a3x3 + b3y3 + c”z”) + Sabc,
    whence the result.
    8.15. Multiplying out the left side yields
    3+x%(% - x) + xy(x - y) + zy(y - %) + XY(X - Y) +xz(z - X) + dy - %)
    Y4Y - %> X%(% - x) “Y(X - Y)
    = 3+ [(x/!/%)(x-y- t.)+(y/xz)(-x+ y- %>+(%/xY>(-x - y+ %>I
    = 3+2(x3+ y3+Z3)/(xy%)= 9
    by Exercise 1.5.9(a).
    8.16. Let each quantity be equal to u. Then
    x3 - myr = ux2 and y3 - mxz = uy2.
    Subtract and divide by x - y to get
    Similarly, ,r2 + zy + y2 + mx = u(y + z). Subtract and divide by x - z to
    8.17. Since 0 = (r + 1)3 + c(r + 1)2 + d(r + 1) + 1 = r3 + (3 + c)r2 +
    (3+2c+d)r+(2+c+d), r is a zero of x3+(3+c)x2+(3+2c+d)x+(2+c+d).
    Since P(x) is irreducible, this cubic must coincide with P(x) and so a =
    a second zero of P(x); the third zero is l/rs, and we obtain
    0 = (r2 + r)s2 + (r2 + 3r + 1)s + (r + 1)
    = [(r+l)s+l][rs+(r+l)],
    from which it follows that s = -(r + 1)-l or -(r + l)r-‘.
    8.18. 9 satisfies the equation

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