
(sharon) #1

Solutions to Problems; Chapter (^8 389)
Prom the difference of the last two equations, we obtain that
Y(l - Y2> + 4% - 1) + x2(x - 1) = 0.
Subtracting t times (2) from (1) yields

... (2)


x(x - 1)(1+ z + 2%) = y(y - 1)(1+ % + yz).... (3)

y(y - 1)(1+ y + yx) = %(% - l)(l+ 2 + %X).... (4)

It is clear from (3) and (4) that, if x, y, % are positive, then z, y, % are all
equal to 1, all less than 1, or all greater than 1. The last two possibilities
contradict the given equations and the result follows.

  1. Consider the graphs of the equations y = 6x2, y = 77x - 147 and
    y = 77[x] - 147. Since 6x2 - 77x + 147 = (3x - 7)(2x - 21), the first two
    curves cross when x = 713 and x = 2112. Prom the graphs, it can be seen
    that any solution x of the given equation must satisfy 3 5 x < 2112. Hence
    the possible values of [x] are integers between 3 and 10 inclusive. We now
    consider the following table:

[xl Y = 77[zl- 147 ~16 [ml

3 84 14 3
4 161 26.8 5
5 238 39.7 6
6 315 52.5 7
7 392 65.3 8
8 469 78.2 8

(^9 546 91 9)
10 623 103.8 10
The solutions of the equation are those values of &6 for which [x] =
[m], i.e. a‘, JG@, &i, @Z@.

  1. Let


f(x) = x4 + kx2 - 2k2(2k + 1)x
= x[x3 + kx - 2k2(2k + l)].

(1) f(x) has four distinct real zeros u the discriminant of the cubic
factor is positive _ k3(3k + 1)(36k2 + 24k + 1) < 0.

(2) f(k) = -k3(3k + 1).
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