
(sharon) #1


abscissa the first coordinate of a point in the Cartesian plane

arithmetic progression a sequence in which the difference between ad-
jacent entries is always the same

closed interval a set of reals of the form {t : a < t 5 b} denoted by [a, b]

closed unit disc the set {z : IzI 5 1) in the complex plane

composite not prime

coprime with greatest common divisor 1

dilatation central similarity, homothety; a transformation which reduces
the scale about a fixed center

even function a function f satisfying f(-x) = f(x)

factored written as a product

fraction in lowest terms fraction for which the numerator and denom-
inator are coprime

geometric progression a sequence in which the ratio of adjacent entries
is always the same

harmonic progression a sequence of numbers whose reciprocals form an
arithmetic progression

identity equation valid for all values of the variable

iff if and only if

locus of an equation: the set of points in the plane or more generally in
n-dimensional space whose coordinates satisfy the equation

lower bound of a set of numbers: a number which does not exceed any
number in the set

negative strictly less than 0

nonnegative greater than or equal to 0

nonpositive less than or equal to 0

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