
(sharon) #1


A.D. Aleksandrov, A.N. Kolmogorov & M.A. Lavrent’ev (eds.), Mathemat-
ics: Its Content, Method and Meaning (3 volumes)
Moscow, 1956 (Russian); MIT, 1963 (English)
Vol. 1, Ch. 4: B.N. Delone, Algebra: theory of algebraic equations.
George A. Baker, Essentials of Pad6 Approximants
Academic, 1975.
S. Barnett, Polynomials and Linear Control Systems
Marcel Dekker, NY, 1983.
Maxime Bother, Introduction to Higher Algebra
Dover, 1964.
Samuel Borofsky, Elementary Theory of Equations
Macmillan, NY, 1950
William Snow Burnside, The Theory of Equations, With an Introduction
to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms
Dover, 1960.
William Snow Burnside & Arthur William Panton, The Theory of Equa-
tions, 2nd ed.
Dublin, London, 1886
Florian Cajori, A History of Mathematics, 3rd ed.
Chelsea, 1980.
Girolamo Cardano, The Great Art, or the Rules of Algebra (Artis Magnae,
Sive de Regulis Algebraicis; 1545)
Translated by T.R. Witmer
MIT, 1968.

W.G. Chinn & N.E. Steenrod, First Concepts of Topology
New Mathematical Library #18
Math. Assoc. of America, 1966.

George Chrystal, Algebra, An Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes
of Secondary Schools and for Colleges
2nd ed., Black, 1926; 7th ed., Chelsea, 1964.

Allan Clark, Elements of Abstract Algebra
Wadsworth, 1971.

Nelson Bush Conkwright, Introduction to the Theory of Equations
Ginn, 1957.

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