
(sharon) #1


Bartel Leender van der Waerden, Modern Algebm
Ungar, 1949.

Richard S. Varga, Topics in Polynomial and Rational Interpolation and
University of Montreal, 1982.

N.Ya. Vilenkin, Method of Successive Approximations
Little Mathematical Library
Mir, Moscow, 1979.

N.N. Vorobyov, The Fibonacci Numbers
Topics in Mathematics; D.C. Heath, Boston, 1963.

Louis Weisner, Introduction to the Theory of Equations
Macmillan, NY, 1938.

Edmund Taylor Whittaker, The Calculus of Observations; a ‘lkatise on
Numerical Mathematics
Blackie, London, 1960.

James H. Wilkinson, The Perfidious Polynomial
Studies in Numercial Analysis
ed. Gene H. Golub (MAA, 1984).

I.M. Yaglom, Felix Klein and Sophus Lie: Evolution of the Idea of Symme-
try in the Nineteenth Century
Birkhauser, 1988, Chapter 1.

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