
(sharon) #1

Selected Papers

Other papers which the reader may find interesting are listed below. After
the title is the indication E, M, A often followed by a number. E indicates
that the paper is elementary and accessible to a high school student, M
that it is of moderate difficulty and accessible to an undergraduate, A that
it is advanced for a reader with mathematical maturity and considerable
background. In some cases, the classification is difficult to make and so it
should be regarded only as a first approximation. The number indicates
the chapter in this text for the topic.
Most of the abbreviations for journals are straightforward. North Amer-
ican readers may not be familiar with the British journal, Mathematical
Gazette (Math. Gaz.). Other abbreviations which require some explana-
tion are

J. Math. & Phys. Journal of Mathematics and Physics
Math. Comp. Mathematics of Computation
Math. Ann. Mathematische Annalen
Math. Intell. Mathematical Intelligencer

N.C. Ankeny, One more proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra
Amer. Math. Monthly 54 (1947), 464.

I.N. Baker, Fixpoints of polynomials and rational functions
J. Lond. Math. Sot. (1) 39 (1964), 615-622. [A]

J.P. Ballantine, Complex roots of real polynomials
Amer. Math. Monthly 66 (1959), 411-414. [M 5]
Ed Bergdal, Complex graphs
Math. Mug. 24 (1950), 195-202. [E 41
E.R. Berlekamp, Factoring polynomials over large finite fields
Math. Comp. 24 (1970), 713-735 [A 31

W.A. Blankinship, A new version of the Euclidean algorithm
Amer. Math. Monthly 70 (1963), 742-745. [E 1, 31

R.P. Boas, Yet another proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra
Amer. Math. Monthly 71 (1964), 180. [M 41
R.P. Boas, Extremal problems for polynomials
Amer. Math. Monthly 85 (1978), 473-475. [A 71

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