
(sharon) #1
Selected Papers 429

Louisa S. Grinstein, Upper limits to the real roots of polynomial equations
Amer. Math. Monthly 60 (1953), 608-615. [M 51
C.W. Groetsch, J.T. King, The Bernstein polynomials and finite differences
Math. Mug. 46 (1973), 280-282. [M 71
Bernstein polynomials appear as a finite difference approximant to a first
order partial differential equation

Emil Grosswald, Recent applications of some old work of Laguerre
Amer. Math. Monthly 86 (1979), 648-658. [M 5]
H. Guggenheimer, Bounds for roots of algebraic equations
Amer. Math. Monthly 69 (1962), 915-916. [E 51
J.E. Hacke, Jr., A simple solution of the general quartic
Amer. Math. Monthly 48 (1941), 327-328. [E l]
Morton J. Hellman, A unifying technique for the solution of the quadratic,
cubic and quartic
Amer. Math. Monthly 65 (1958), 274-276. [E 1,6]
Morton J. Hellman, The insolvability of the quintic m-examined
Amer. Math. Monthly 66 (1959), 410. [A]
Garcia Henriquez, The graphical interpretation of the complex roots of
cubic equations
Amer. Math. Monthly 42 (1935), 383-384. [E 1,2]
Irwin Hoffman & Larry Kauvar, Computer oriented mathematics: polyno-
mial synthetic division
Math. Teacher 63 (1970), 429-431. [E l]
F.E. Hohn, The number of terms in a polynomial
Amer. Math. Monthly 48 (1941), 686. [E l]
J.S. Huang, Is a sequence of polynomials complete?
Amer. Math. Monthly 85 (1978), 107-108. [A 7]
C.A. Hutchinson, On Graeffe’s method for the numerical solution of alge-
braic equations
Amer. Math. Monthly 42 (1935), 149-161. [M 5]
Margaret Wiscomb Hutchinson, Using synthetic division by quadratics to
find rational roots
Math. Teacher 64 (1971), 349-352 = Crouse & Sloyer, 286-289. [E 1,3]
I.M. Isaacs, Solution of polynomials by real radicals
Amer. Math. Monthly 92 (1985), 571-575. [A 41
Elbert Johnson & C.R. Wylie, Jr., A nomographic solution of the quartic
Amer. Math. Monthly 68 (1961), 461-464. [M l]
E.C. Kennedy, Bounds for the roots of a trinomial equation
Amer. Math. Monthly 47 (1940), 468-470 [E 51
E.C. Kennedy, Concerning nearly equal roots
Amer. Math. Monthly 48 (1941), 42-43. [E 51
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