
(sharon) #1
430 Selected Papers

Clark Kimberling, Microcomputer-assisted mathematics: Roots: half-interval
Math. Teacher 78 (1985), 120-123. [E 51
Clark Kimberling, Microcomputer-assisted mathematics: Roots: Newton’s
Math. Teacher 78 (1985), 626-629. [E 51
Clark Kimberling, Factoring and unfactoring
Math. Teacher 79 (1986), 48-53. [E 1,3]
Murray S. Klamkin, A polynomial functional equation
Eureka (Crux Mathematicorum) 4 (1978), 32-33.
P.G. Laird & R. McCann, On some characterizations of polynomials
Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1984), 114-116. [M l]

Susan Landau, Factoring polynomials quickly
Notices A.M.S. 34 (1987), 3-8 (No. 1, Issue 253).

M.A. Lee, Some irreducible polynomials which are reducible mod p for all

Amer. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), 1125. [A 31

A.K. Lenstra, H.W. Lenstra, L. Lo&z, Factoring polynomials with ratio-
nal coefficients
Math. Ann. 261 (1982), 515-534. [A 31

John S. Lew, Polynomials in two variables taking distinct integer values at
lattice points
Amer. Math. Monthly 88 (1981), 344-346. [A l]

Tien-Yi Li, Solving polynomial systems
Math. Intell. 9 (1987), no. 3, 33-39. [M 41

W.B.R. Lickorish & K.C. Millett, The new polynomial invariants of knots
and links
Math. Magazine 61 (1988), 3-23. [M]

Shih-Nge Lin, A method of successive approximations of evaluating the real
and complex roots of cubic and higher-order equations
J. Math. Phys. 20 (1941), 231-242. [M 51
Daniel B. Lloyd, Factorization of the general polynomials by means of its
homomorphic congruential functions
Amer. Math. Monthly 71 (1964), 863-870. [M 3]
David London, On a connection between the permanent function and poly-
Linear & Multilinear Alg. 1 (1973), 231-240. [M]
Calvin T. Long, Gregory interpolation: a trick for problem solvers from out
of the past
Math. Teacher 76 (1983), 323-325. [E 71

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