
(sharon) #1

434 Selected Papers

H.S. Wall, Polynomials whose zeros have negative real parts
Amer. Math. Monthly 52 (1945), 308-322. [M 51

J.L. Walsh, On the location of the roots of certain polynomials
Trans. Amer. Math. Sot. 24 (1922), 163-180. [M 51

J.L. Walsh, An inequality for the roots of an algebraic equation
Annals Math. 25 (1924), 285-286. [E 5]

P.S. Wang & L.P. Rothschild, Factoring multivariate polynomials over the
Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 935-950. [A 3]

Paul S. Wang, An improved multivariate factoring algorithm
Math. Comp. 32 (1978), 1215-1231. [M 3]

L.E. Ward, Jr., Linear programming and approximation problems
Amer. Math. Monthly 68 (1961), 46-53. [M 71

William C. Waterhouse, A neglected note showing Gauss at work
Historia mathematics 13 (1986), 147-156 [M 3]

E.E. Watson, A test for the nature of the roots of the cubic equation
Amer. Math. Monthly 48 (1941), 687. [E l]

John J. Wavrik, Computers and the multiplicity of polynomial roots
Amer. Math. Monthly 89 (1982), 34-56. [A 5]

Kenneth W. Wegner, Trigonometric excursions and side trips
Math. Teacher 60 (1967), 33-37 = Mathematics in the secondary school
classroom: Selected Readings (eds. Rising & Wiesen; publ. T.Y. Crowell,
1972), 376-382. [E 1,3]

P.J. Weinberger, Finding the number of factors of a polynomial
J. Algorithms 5 (1984), 180-186, MR 86h:llllO. [A 31

C.R. White, Definitive solutions of general quartic and cubic equations
Amer. Math. Monthly 69 (1962), 285-287. [M l]

H.S. WiIf, Curve fitting matrices
Amer. Math. Monthly 65 (1958), 272-274. [M 71

Wm. Douglas Withers, Folding polynomials and their dynamics
Amer. Math. Monthly 95 (1988), 399-413. [A]

H. Zassenhaus, On Hensel factorization I
J. Number Theor. 1 (1969), 291-311. [A 31

H. Zassenhaus, A remark on the Hensel factorization method
Math. Comp. 32 (1978), 287-292. [A 31

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