Managing Information Technology

(Frankie) #1
Chapter 4 • The Data Resource 115

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Singer, Peter. 2000. “Leveraging the power of your data ware-
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Turek, Norbert. 2003. “Avoid bad-data potholes.” Infor-
mationWeek944 (June 16): 51–55.
Vijayan, J. 2006. “List of data breach notices lengthening.”
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White, Colin and Claudia Imhoff. 2006. “Master data manage-
ment: Creating a single view of the business.” September,
White, Don. 2000. “Finding a life preserver for the data flood.”
Brandweek15 (October 9): 26–29.
Young, Debby. 2000. “An audit tale.” CIO13 (May 1): 150–115.
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