Managing Information Technology

(Frankie) #1

152 Part I • Information Technology

traffic merging, the respective personnel also merge.
Data people approach projects differently than
telephony people and use different terminology. So
managing this merging of the staff and disciplines
was essential. Along with the size of the implemen-
tation team, there were a lot of people to coordinate
to pull this off.
—Scott Kincaid, CIO

Butler’s “Infinitely Personal” Communication Plan

A communications coordinator was added to the team to help
establish the message that the university would send to all
users to help ensure acceptance of the new system. Managing
the fear factor of a major system overhaul was viewed as crit-
ical, because Butler’s users had experienced data network
failures before. One of the techniques used for this was to

redefine “IP” to stand for “infinitely personal.” This set the
tone for the teams to focus on the ways the network changes
were empowering people to communicate more freely, not on
the fact the calls were being transported via IP data packets.

We chose an IP system not because it was VoIP, but
because, overall, it could provide the best set of serv-
ices to meet our needs.

—Joe Indiano, Director Network and Systems

Reassuring users that a personal approach was being
taken helped communicate that this was a decision to help
everyone, not just to improve the technology of the univer-
sity. The IP—infinitely personal—communications plan
sought to educate users by first raising awareness and then
holding training forums (see Exhibit 4A). Communicating

What Who/Target Purpose When Type/Method(s)
New Phone and Voice
Mail System Teaser

Bluemail and
my.butler users

Raise awareness May 31–June

On Bluemail, IR labs and
my.butler homepages
New Phone and Voice
Mail System Teaser

All Campus Raise awareness that a new
phone system is coming

May 26 Email

Sign up for training
and when and where

Fac/Staff on
campus now

Get people to go to training May 27 Email

Training Dates and
times on web

All Campus Make training information
available at all times in a
central location

May 27
New Phone and Voice
Mail System & Training

Fac/Staff on
campus now

Raise awareness and get
people to training

June 1 All campus Voice mail

Ask for support Scott to Cabinet Ask VPs/Deans to encourage
their staffs to attend training.

June 1 Email

Coordinator verification
of phones in their areas

Coordinators Ask coordinators to verify the
phones in their areas.

June 3 Email

Early notification of cut

Pilot team and

Give early notice of
anticipated dates for
phone system cut to groups.

June 6 Email

Emergency Broadcast
System info

Greek house
corps and

Make Greek organizations
aware of the opportunity
to receive emergency
information from Butler

June 7 Email

Messages to
communicate in

Students in

Communicate important
system information in

June 13 in
training class

Verbal and Print

Last reminder about

All campus Final reminder about going
to training

June 15 All Campus Voice Mail

Phone delivery Fac/Staff Announce phone delivery
and training reminder

June 15 Fac/Staff Alert

EXHIBIT 4A Communication Plan: Sample Page

New Phone System Project Communication Plan
Free download pdf