Managing Information Technology

(Frankie) #1
Chapter 7 • E-Business Systems 277


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3.Briefly describe some online experiences that you have had
with good customer service and/or poor customer service.
4.Research the company, and describe some rea-
sons that you think it has been so successful.
5.Describe how the existence of (or lack of) state laws in the
United States has been a barrier or a catalyst to online sales.
6.Choose three traditional firms within the same industry that
sell similar products or services to consumers. Based on their
public Web sites, compare and contrast how effective these
companies are in developing a multichannel capability.
7.Use the 7Cs framework described at the end of this chapter to
evaluate the public Web sites of two competitors. Based on
your analyses, what improvements could these companies
make to the design of their Web sites?

8.Explore a social networking Web site, and analyze how busi-
nesses appear to be using the site. What do you see as some of
the pros and cons for this type of software, from the perspec-
tive of a Fortune 500 versus a small company’s perspective?
9.Analyze current statistics on Internet users around the globe,
and comment on the trends.
10.Analyze how candidates in a current political election
appear to be leveraging the Internet as part of their
campaigns, or not.
11.Describe some of the ways the Internet has or has not impacted
the way you (1) buy groceries, (2) make travel plans, (3) read
news, (4) follow your favorite sports team, (5) decide which
movie to see next, (6) decide what political candidate to vote
for, and (7) do research for a business course.
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