Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


34. d. The noun suffix -ism means state or doctrine of. Imperialism means the
policy of extending rule of a nation or empire by acquiring other territories.
35. a. The root rog means to ask. The prefix ab- means off, away from, away,
down; the suffix -ate means to make, cause to be. To abrogate means to
abolish, do away with, formally revoke.
36. d. The root ac/acr means sharp, bitter. The adjective suffix -ous means hav-
ing the quality of or relating to. Acrimonious means bitter and sharp in lan-
guage or tone.
37. a. The root vi means life. The adjective suffix -ous means having the quality
of or relating to. Vicarious means felt through imaging what another has
experienced; acting or suffering for another.
38. d. The root am means love. The noun suffix -ity means state of being.
Amity means friendship; a state of friendly or peaceful relations.
39. d. The root dic/dict/dit means to say, tell, use words. An edict is an official
order or decree; a formal proclamation or command issued by someone in
40. a. The root mag/maj/max means big. The adjective suffix -ous means hav-
ing the quality of or relating to. Magnanimous means very noble and gener-
ous; understanding and forgiving of others.
41. d. The root qui means quiet. To acquiesce means to comply, give in, consent
without protest—thereby “quieting” the other to whom one gives in.
42. b. The root pug means to fight. The adjective suffix -ous means having the
quality of or relating to. Pugnacious means quarrelsome, combative, inclined
to fight.
43. d. The root err means to wander. The adjective suffix -ic means pertaining
or relating to, having the quality of. Erratic means moving or behaving in
an irregular, uneven, or inconsistent manner; deviating (wandering) from
the normal or typical course of action, opinion, etc.
44. c. The root ferv means to boil, bubble, burn. The suffix -or means a condi-
tion or activity. Fervor means zeal, ardor, intense emotion.
45. b. The root loc/log/loqu means word, speech. The adjective suffix -ous means
having the quality of or relating to. Loquacious means very talkative, garrulous.
46. teeming. To teem means to be full of, to be present in large numbers.
47. faux. Faux means artificial, fake; not genuine or real.
48. uninterested. Uninterested means not interested, having no care or interest
in knowing.
49. appraised. To appraise means to evaluate, to establish value or estimate the
worth of.

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