Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


42. Something that is innocuous is
a. dangerous or deadly.
b. irrelevant, wandering from the main path or point.
c. harmless, inoffensive.
d. clean, thoroughly washed.
43. To juxtapose is to
a. place side by side.
b. overwhelm, flood.
c. be born again.
d. speak in a round-about manner.
44. Someone who is reticent is
a. fair, judging equally.
b. reserved, silent.
c. bubbling over with enthusiasm.
d. deeply in love.
45. A veritable autograph is
a. very valuable.
b. an autograph by a famous person.
c. genuine.
d. a forgery or fake.

Directions: For questions 46 through 59, choose the correct word in the paren-
theses to complete the sentence.

46. I tried everything, but nothing would ( elicit/illicit ) a response from the
47. The Euro has ( deprecated/depreciated ), but the dollar is up.
48. Stop ( persecuting/prosecuting ) me just because I often disagree with you.
49. Tomorrow the city is going to ( raise/raze ) the building that I grew up in.
50. As soon as I get off the phone, I will ( appraise/apprise ) you of the situation.

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