Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Finally, there are Back and Next buttons, which allow you to move back and forth
between questions.

(approximately 60–90 minutes) 30 total points
Language Source for
Stimulus Skills Used Topics Response
4–6 lectures, each followed by Listening Arts, life sciences, Details from
6 questions physical sciences, lecture
and social science

2–3 conversations, each followed Listening Nonacademic situation Details from
by 5 questions on campus conversation

For the Listening section of the TOEFL iBT, you will listen to the lectures and
conversations through a headset. An image depicting the lecture or conversation
will appear on the screen. This picture is designed to help you imagine the situa-
tion. Difficult words or phrases in the passage may be defined for you. When the
listening passage is complete, a question will appear on the screen.
A toolbar will appear at the top of the screen. The heading on the left of the tool-
bar will state the section of the test on which you are working: Listening. Like the
toolbar for the Reading section, the Listening section toolbar will state which ques-
tion you are working on, the number of questions in the section, and your remain-
ing time. You may choose to use the Hide Time button located to the left of the
clock. Above the clock are four navigation buttons. There is a Volume button that
allows you to adjust the volume, a Help button that will provide some additional
assistance, and a Next button that allows you to move to the next question. After
selecting Next, you are asked to click the OK button to confirm that you want to
move to the next question. In the Listening section, you may not go back and
review questions.

(approximately 20 minutes) 30 total points
Language Source for Preparation Response
Tasks Skills Used Topics Response Time Time
Task 1 Speaking Familiar Opinion 15 seconds 45 seconds
(independent) things

Task 2 Speaking Choose Opinion 15 seconds 45 seconds
(independent) a side
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