Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


79. A synonym for courtesy is
a. civility.
b. congruity.
c. conviviality.
d. rudeness.
80. An antonym for fallacy is
a. truth.
b. blessing.
c. weakness.
d. fable.


1. d. Legitimate means in a manner conforming to recognized principles or
accepted rules or standards.
2. b. Pummeled means to pound or beat.
3. d. Facilitate means to make easier or help bring about.
4. c. Exemplify means to be an instance of or serve as an example.
5. b. Confluence means a coming or flowing together, a meeting, or a gathering
at one point.
6. d. Requisite means essential or necessary.
7. a. Delude means to mislead the mind; to deceive.
8. c. Comprehensive means covering completely or broadly.
9. b. Reticent means inclined to be silent or uncommunicative, reserved.
10. b. Precurso r means something that comes before.
11. d. Reputedly means according to general belief.
12. a. A bated means to decrease in force or intensity.
13. c. Consummate means extremely skilled and experienced.
14. c. Diligently means to do something with careful attention and great effort.
15. b. To poach is to trespass on another’s property in order to steal fish or
16. d. To differentiate between two things is to establish the distinction between
17. b. When a car goes out of control and skims along the surface of a wet
road, it is called hydroplaning.
18. d. A clairvoyant is someone who can perceive matters beyond the range of
ordinary perception.

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