belligerent (bi·'lij·e ̆r·e ̆nt) adj. hostile and aggressive, showing an eagerness to
fight. Because Omar had a reputation for being belligerent, many people refused to
associate with him because they feared confrontation.
benevolence (be ̆·'nev·o ̆·le ̆ns) n. the inclination to be kind and generous; a dis-
position to act charitably. Regina showed benevolence when she volunteered to help
raise money for the local soup kitchen.
benign (bi·'n ̄n) adj. 1. gentle, mild, kind; having a beneficial or favorable nature
or influence. 2. not harmful or malignant. Simo’s actions toward his competitors
was never mean-spirited; he always acted in a benign manner.
bevy ('bev·ee) n. 1. a large group or assemblage. 2. a flock of animals or birds.
There was a bevy of eager bingo fans waiting outside the hall for the game to begin.
bilk (bilk) v. to deceive or defraud; to swindle, cheat, especially to evade paying
one’s debts. The stockbroker was led away in handcuffs, accused of trying to bilk sen-
ior citizens out of their investment dollars.
blasé (blah·'zay) adj. 1. uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence.
- nonchalant, unconcerned. 3. very sophisticated. Quincy has traveled so much
that he speaks of exotic places such as Borneo in a totally blasé manner.
blasphemy ('blas·fe ̆·mee) n. contemptuous or irreverent acts, utterances, atti-
tudes or writings against God or other things considered sacred; disrespect of
something sacrosanct. If you committed blasphemy during the Inquisition, you
would be tortured and killed.
blatant ('blay·tant) adj. completely obvious, not attempting to conceal in any
way. Samuel’s blatant disregard of the rules earned him a two-week suspension.
blight (bl ̄t) n. 1. a plant disease that causes the affected parts to wilt and die. - something that causes this condition, such as air pollution. 3. something
that impairs or destroys. 4. an unsightly object or area. They still do not know
what caused the blight that destroyed half of the trees in the orchard.
blithe (bl ̄th) adj. light-hearted, casual, and carefree. Rachel’s blithe attitude toward
spending money left her broke and in debt.
boisterous ('boi·ste ̆·ru ̆s) adj. 1. loud, noisy, and lacking restraint or discipline. - stormy and rough. The boisterous crowd began throwing cups onto the field dur-
ing the football game.
bolster ('bohl·ste ̆r) v. 1. to support or prop up. 2. to buoy or hearten. Coach
Edmond’s speech bolstered the team’s confidence.