Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


duo- two duo, duet, duality
ex- out, out of, away from expel, exclaim, exorbitant
in- (also il-, in, into, within induct, impart, inculcate
im- ir-)
in- (also il-, not invariable, incessant, illicit, inept,
im-, ir-) impervious
inter- between, among, within intervene, interact, intermittent
intra- within, during intramural, intravenous
intro- in, into, within introvert, introduction
mal- bad, abnormal, evil, wrong malfunction, malpractice, malign
mis- bad, wrong, ill; opposite or lack of misspell, miscreant, misanthrope
mono- one, single, alone monologue, monogamy, monocle
multi- many, multiple multiple, multimillionaire, multifarious
neo- new, recent, a new form of neologism, neonatal, neophyte
non- not nonconformist, nonentity, nonchalant
over- exceeding, surpassing, excessive overabundance, overstimulate
poly- many, much polytechnic, polyglot
post- after, subsequent, later (than), behind postpone, postpartum, postoperative
pre- before precaution, precede, presage
pro- (a) earlier, before, prior to; in front of (b) for, proceed, proclivity, profess
supporting, in behalf of (c) forward, projecting
pseudo- false, fake pseudonym, pseudoscience
re- back, again recall, reconcile, rescind
semi- half, partly, incomplete semiannual, semiconscious
sub- under, beneath, below subconscious, subdue, subjugate
super- above, over, exceeding superhero, superficial, supercilious
trans- across, beyond, through transmit, translate, translucent
tri- three, thrice triangle, tricycle, triumvirate
un- not unable, uninterested, unorthodox
uni- one unite, uniform, unilateral
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