Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



fore before foresight, forestall, forbear
fort chance fortune, fortunate, fortuitous
fra, frac, frag, fring to break fracture, fraction, infringe
fus to pour infusion, diffuse
gen birth, creation, race, kind generous, genetics, homogenous
gn, gno to know ignore, recognize, incognito
grad, gress to step progress, aggressive, digress
grat pleasing grateful, gratitude, ingratiate
her, hes to stick cohere, adherent, inherent
(h)etero different, other heterosexual, heterogeneous, heterodox
(h)om same homogeneous, homonym
hyper over, excessive hyperactive, hyperextend, hyperbole
id one’s own idiom, idiosyncrasy, ideology
ject to throw, to throw down eject, dejected, conjecture
join, junct to meet, to join joint, junction, juxtapose
jur to swear jury, perjury, abjure
lect, leg to select, to choose election, select, eclectic
lev lift, light, rise elevator, lever, alleviate
loc, log, loqu word, speech dialogue, eloquent, loquacious
luc, lum, lus light illustrate, lucid, luminous
lud, lus to play illusion, elude, allude
lug, lut, luv to wash lavatory, dilute, deluge
mag, maj, max big magnify, magnitude, magnanimous
man hand manual, manufacture, manifest
min small minute, diminish, minutiae
min to project, to hang over prominent, imminent, preeminent
mis, mit to send transmit, remit, intermittent
mon, monit to warn monitor, admonish, remonstrate
morph shape amorphous, metamorphosis,
mort death immortal, morbid, moratorium
mut change mutate, immutable, permutation
nam, nom, noun, rule, order economy, taxonomy, autonomy
nown, nym
nat, nas, nai
to be born native, nascent, renaissance
nec, nic, noc, nox harm, death innocent, noxious, innocuous
nom, nym, name nominate, homonym, nominal
noun, nown

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