Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


nounc, nunc to announce announce, pronounce, denounce
nov, neo, nou new novice, novel, neophyte
ob, oc, of, op toward, to, against, completely, over object, obstruct, obsequious
omni all omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient
pac, peas peace pacify, appease, pacifier
pan all, everyone panorama, pandemic, panacea
par equal par, disparate, parity
para next to, beside parallel, paragon, paradox
pas, pat, path feeling, suffering, disease passionate, antipathy, apathetic
pau, po, pov, pu few, little, poor poverty, pauper, impoverish
ped child, education pediatrician, encyclopedia, pedantic
ped, pod foot pedestrian, expedite, impede
pen, pun to pay, to compensate penalty, punishment, penance
pend, pens to hang, to weigh, to pay depend, compensate, pensive
per completely, wrong perplex, permeate, pervade
peri around perimeter, peripheral, peripatetic
pet, pit to go, to seek, to strive compete, petition, impetuous
phil love philosophy, philanthropy, bibliophile
phone sound telephone, homophone, cacophony
plac to please placid, placebo, complacent
ple to fill complete, deplete, plethora
plex, plic, ply to fold, to twist, to tangle, to bend complex, comply, implicit
pon, pos, pound to put, to place expose, component, juxtapose
port to carry import, portable, importune
prehend, prise to take, to get, to seize surprise, apprehend, reprisal
pro much, for, a lot proliferate, profuse, proselytize
prob to prove, to test probe, probation, reprobate
pug to fight repugnant, pugnacious, impugn
punc, pung, poign to point, to prick point, puncture, punctilious
que, quis to seek inquisitive, conquest, query
qui quiet quiet, tranquil, acquiesce
rid, ris to laugh riddle, ridiculous, derision
rog to ask interrogate, surrogate, abrogate
sacr, sanct, secr sacred sacred, sacrament, sanction
sal, sil, sault, sult to leap, to jump assault, insolent, desultory
sci to know conscious, science, omniscient
scribe, scrip to write scribble, prescribe, circumscribe
se apart separate, segregate, seditious
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